Thursday, June 28, 2012

Record your iPad Screen

****Update to this post: I received a comment that my link didn't work. As it turns out Apple removed the App from their U.S. site. Here's what I found that begins to explain why:
Apple does not allow screen capture apps on its devices because it mimics the native screenshot capabilities on iOS. “Display Recorder” appears to take a series of screen caps to convert to video, so there is a good possibility that the app could be removed from the store in the near future. So, if this is something you are dying to have, you had better act fast.

I apologize but I am keeping this post here just in case things get worked out and the App becomes available again!  In the meantime, I'll keep searching for something similar! Sorry!*****

I am so excited to share my latest App discovery with you. The App is called "Display Recorder". It allows you to record what you see on your iPad/iPhone. Display Recorder is a screen capture App that creates a movie, complete with audio, of what you're doing on the iPad. This has potential! ;-)
This is exciting to me because I have been playing around with Keynote (which is Apple's presentation program... much like PowerPoint). However, Keynote doesn't allow for sounds/voiceovers....CRAZY right?
So while I had some fun animations, there was no audio. With "Display Recorder" I was able to take my presentation and add a voiceover.
Once I was done capturing the screen, I could preview it, edit or delete it. After the movie was done,  there are options to upload the video to YouTube...that may not be a good choice for school because many schools have YouTube blocked. Besides, I couldn't get that feature to work (I'll keep at it though). Other options include: opening the movie in  Photo Library, Open in other Apps which include iMovie, ePrint (WHY would you print it???) or DropBox.  I ran into a few problems with importing it into iMovie but will keep playing around with this App. Has anyone out there tried it yet?
Display Recorder is for sale at iTunes for just under $2.00. My mind is racing with the possibilities. Take a peek at how I used it to give voice to my Keynote on COLOR WORDS:

I also see potential for using Display Record as a tutorial for students on Apps that may not be intuitive. Or if you have parent volunteers working with students and the parent is a tad tech could use this App to model for her how you want students using the iPad apps.
I don't know...what do you think? What are some ideas you have for recording what you are doing on the iPad? Note: Before you mention YouTube...From what I understand it doesn't allow for recording FROM we'll have to think of something else. ;-)
Can't wait to hear what ideas you have!
Display Recorder

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Teaching In The Digital Age Book Study

I'm not even IN the book study yet... but my blogging buddy Fran of Kindergarten Crayons (who always inspires me), posted about a book study on Teaching in The Digital Age. I've ordered the book, but can't wait to jump in on the discussion!! My comments would've been far to detailed to post at someone else's blog, so I decided to just join in here in the Teachers' Lounge! ;-) Apparently chapter two is all about using digital photography. Well, anyone that knows me knows I am ALWAYS taking photos. I take close to 1,000 pictures per school year. I LOVE taking photos all year long. Fran shared some GREAT ideas on how she uses digital photography in her class and asked others to share. Here are a few ways that I use digital photography in my classroom: (follow the links to learn more)

a few samples (click to enlarge)

OK...I could go on and on...I used photos all the time to assist students learning. My classroom blog was created (2007) to help give parents a peek inside our classroom. To provide a springboard for discussions at home (especially for those students who can't seem to answer the question..."What did you do at school today?" Parents can go to the blog, see the posts and talk to their child about school.
Back in the beginning of our blogging days we connected with Kindergartners in New Zealand and did a "cultural exchange". They don't have squirrels in New Zealand and my students and I sent them a package that included a squirrel puppet. It was so popular, the kids in NZ gave the squirrel his own blog. Each child got to take "Nutkin" home and each child made a video about their adventures.
Check out Nutkin's Blog for GREAT examples of how students as young as FIVE can use technology. Keep in mind this was (way) back in 2007! Imagine what they can do with today's technology!!
So, I hope this helps you see some fun ways you can combine digital photos with various technology tools to help keep students engaged and learning!
I hope my book arrives soon so I can officially join the book study! ;-)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Read Aloud Recommendations??

I hope everyone is enjoying time off from school. If you're not out yet...I hope school will end soon for you. I am looking for some NEW interesting/fun read aloud books for next school year. I know...I just ended and I'm already thinking to next year. But I am sure I am not alone. (right??...Please tell me I am not the ONLY one!) ;-)
Anyway....I am thinking I could use the power of the Internet and fellow bloggers to find my way to some new books to read to my Kindergartners. I have such great respect and regard for all of you and would love to know what you would recommend. No specific topic or genre...I am open to anything that's fun. I would appreciate any new titles you are willing to share. THANKS!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Zoo Packet

I've been off the blogging radar for a while.... I'm sure you know the routine...60 students, report cards, CUM folders, Looking Back Over Our Year DVD's for each student, packing up my room...etc. got the best of me.
Since school's been out, I've been checking out other blogs and trying to get all caught up. Not to mention my addiction to Pinterest!!
I've also worked to put the finishing touches on my Zoo-Ba-Loo packet. It's my biggest packet to date! My students LOVE learning about animals and what better place than a Zoo? The 179 page packet has a bit of EVERYTHING! It has 7 books for Emergent Readers, activities for writing, math (counting, skip counting, tally marks and more), games, pocket chart words, numerals, puzzles, data collection, sight word practice, positional words, addition, missing numerals,  more/less, ordering by size, and more!
If you're looking for something to supplement a Zoo unit you already have or something to jump start a Zoo Unit that you want to try next year, this packet is a GREAT place to start.

Click image to learn more!