Thursday, July 28, 2011

Another iApp Give-Away

I am pleased to offer more Apps as give-aways! There will be 10 winners!! I know....isn't that great?
This time the two Apps are:
Arithmetic Invaders: Grade 1 and Memory Game Spelling Words. 5 of each!
Be sure to check out the system requirements and game description to be sure this fits your needs.

There are 3 ways to enter:
  • Become a follower of my blog and leave a comment (or if you already follow, leave a comment) Let me know which App you prefer
  • Visit my Shop at Teachers Notebook and mark it as a FAV then leave a comment here
  • Blog about this give-away then leave a comment here
Yes, it's just that simple! Oh and yes, it is possible to win BOTH apps. Just be sure your comment has your name so we can find you. I had winners last time that never contacted me.

Winners will be chosen at random on Sunday, July 31. The access codes are time sensitive so be sure to check back Sunday to see if you are a winner. Codes will be emailed to winners as soon as you notify me.

Good Luck!


Christi S said...

Just became a follower! :)

Christi S said...

Just added your teacher store to my favorites! Thank you!

teacherking55 said...

I just became a follower!! I love these apps! I'm going to be getting 5 iPod touches for my 2nd grade class... These would be great!! :)

teacherking55 said...

Your teacher store s great!! You have one great things..... So creative!!! I became a favorite!! :)

Sarah said...

I am following you!

Fantastic 1st Grade

Sarah said...

I visited your shop at Teachers Notebook and marked it as a favorite!

Fantastic 1st Grade

Christine said...

I just became a follower!

Christine said...

I added your teacher store to my favorites :)

Jenny Smalley said...

I'm excited to have found another great site for ideas and information on teaching! Just became a follower and would love to have the Memory Spelling Game app.Have a great one!

Kim Schneider said...

Just discovered your site over the past week and am now an official follower! Thanks for sharing your talents. I've been busy trying to build a bigger collection of apps in our i-pods and would love to win the Memory game spelling words app. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Smiles to you!

Kim Schneider said...

Just added you to my "FAVS" at Teachers Notebook. I love your highlight activities. They are on my wish list. SMiles!!

Amanda said...

Just found your blog! I'm a new follower!

Frolicking Through First

Christine said...

I am a follower!

Rie said...

I added your teacher store to my favorites. Thanks : )

Unknown said...

I'm a follower!
I would prefer the alien math one. :)

+Teaching Happily Ever After
~Creative Teaching with a Technology Twist~

Shelly said...

I follow your blog. Both apps look great. I would love either!

:) Shelly

Shelly said...

Your teacher store is also in my favorites. Both apps look great. I would love either!

:) Shelly

Cindy L said...

I am a follower of your blog. I would love to win arithmetic invaders. Thanks for the chance.


Cindy L said...

I follow your blog. I would love to win arithmetic invaders. Thanks for the chance to win.


Anonymous said...

I already follow your amazing blog. I am so happy that you have created this spot for teachers.

Anonymous said...

I have put you in as my favorite on Teacher's Notebook. And on my favorites!

Shelia said...

I am a follower of your blog! I would love the Spelling Memory Games! Thanks!

Shelia said...

I just added your Teacher's Notebook to my favorite list. I would love the Spelling memory game app! Thanks!

Mrs. Davies said...

I follow your blog already and love it! I would like the Spelling Memory Game. Thank you so much!


Mrs. Davies said...

You are added to my "favorites" on the Teacher's Notebook! I would like to have the Spelling Memory game. Thanks again!


Teacher Gone Digital said...

I'm a follower of your fabulous blog! I would love to get a copy of the Arithmetic Invaders: Grade 1 app for my brand new ipad2 that will be arriving in my classroom next month! Thanks for holding this giveaway!
Teacher Gone Digital
teachergonedigital @ gmail dot com