Tuesday, April 12, 2011

iPads for Every Kindergartner

Yes, you read it right...an iPad for every kindergartner! I can barely type for drooling! WOW! It's as if Oprah came to Kindergarten and shouted..."You get an iPad! You get an iPad, You get an iPad!!!" I am always amazed to see what technology other schools are getting out there in the rest of the teaching world.
I would love to have just ONE for the classroom and these folks are getting one per student!!

Makes me wonder, am I the only one using old technology in the classroom? Mind you it's not by choice!  And I'll take what I have over NOTHING, but sure would welcome something manufactured in the last 5-8 years! I have a PC that hooks up to the classroom television (with fading color), it runs Windows XP and Office 2003...yes 2003!! It has a B/W printer, and I can burn CD's. I own a much nicer MAC laptop but we are not allowed to bring personal computers and place them on the school network.
OK...go ahead, I can handle it, what technologies are you folks using out there?


Ms. Kaye Teechur said...

Wow! I would love these! I think I'm going to mail this to my principal. He keeps saying he has a little money that he needs to spend before the school year is over, lol! I have an old MAC laptop that the school "lends" to us teachers. But its old. I do have a Smartboard and an elmo. They're great but I need to learn how to use it more than what I do.

Cindy said...

OOhh Wouldn't that be GREAT if he got one (or two) for you?? I'll keep my fingers crossed! ;-) We have a Smartboard in the building, however it's been missing a "part" for years and doesn't work. We call it the "not-so-smartboard" ;-( Maybe I'll pass this along to my principal too. Who knows?
Thanks for sharing.

bhbbankston said...

Hello Cindy,
Our district is really big into technology. We have SMARTBoards in every classroom as well as document cameras and slates. Every classroom also has 6 student computers and laptops for ESL students. I attend a lot of PD classes and so I recently earned an ipod touch. I've been using it as a center for extra help with phonics and math. BTW, I teach kindergarten. I LOVE that you are sharing your knowledge of how to use technology in the classroom!!!